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VII. Day of Insect Catchers and Exotic Plants - September 15, 2024

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2024. szeptember 15. vasárnap, 10.00-16.00

Plants live everywhere on Earth, populating even the most unfavorable habitats thanks to their extraordinary adaptability. Good examples of this are the predators of the flora, the insect-catching plants.

On this thematic day, the attention is even more focused on them. Youth and adults can observe the structure of the traps through a microscope, find out where they live and exactly what kind of lifestyle the individual species lead. We welcome the little ones with games of skill and crafts.

Anyone who wants to grow an insect-catching plant at home will have the opportunity to do so. You can buy the plants on the spot, and you can get help from specialists regarding their care. Moreover, you can even set up your own florarium (mini garden enclosed in glass) that provides optimal conditions for the plant. For this, we provide a limited number of canning jars, so if you don't want to leave empty-handed, you should bring a canning jar larger than 7 dl.

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